Monday, September 12, 2005

game day...

Of late I’ve had loads of free time up my sleeve. I've realized that given the fact that I have loads of assignments to take care of and projects to complete and dead lines to meet, I have a rebellious urge to update my blog. However, when I have loads of free time and nothing much to do, it takes a lot of effort on my part to update this blog. Interesting.

Highlight of the days bygone would be watching the Florida Gators romp the life outta some pansy ass visiting teams. I’ve been in this country for more than a year now but it was only a couple days ago that I went for one of them football games. The game was okay…really…it wasn’t a big deal…what was amazing was the atmosphere at the stadium…never been to anything this big in my life. Most people back home have been to Cricket games … but since I'm no cricket fan I could care less who plays who and how big the game is. I'm am a soccer fan... GLORY GLORY MANCHESTER UNITED!!!

I’m told we (The Florida Gators) are an overrated football team…I would agree. But the fans…oh my god…the fans are an insane lot. It was overwhelming to be surrounded by tens of thousands of screaming fans dressed in Orange and Blue. I wish I’d done this earlier…coz no doubt it would be great to go for a home-game again in the years to come, but screaming “GO GATORS” on top of your voice from the Students Section is 20 folds classier than whispering “go gators” from the Alumni Section.

On a different note…I forgot to wish Russell on his b'day. The guy was ecstatic knowing he’d won unlimited hamming rights for years to come. Russell never goes to church unless his mom drags him by the ear and pays him his pocket money upfront. However, rumor has it that Russell voluntarily went to church a dozen times on his b’day and prayed to the lord almighty asking him to help Pratap forget the big day. Russell’s prayers were answered and as a part of the holy agreement Russell will now have to give up on his “sinful acts” and become a better person like yours truely.