Thursday, February 17, 2005

extra credit anyone?....

The medium of education out here in America is so different. The medium of education isn’t English…the medium of education is “fun”.

Had a mid semester exam last night…. bombed big time…don’t ask…but the different thing about this exam was a question for extra credit…. the subject was “Geometric design of a Transportation Facility”. Having taken Transportation Engineering as a major, design of roadways becomes crucial and knowing how to do it becomes...if I may say...'more crucial'. Plus the part where I’d left 79.47% of my undergrad course work for “option” doesn’t help in grad school.

So anyway…. we had this mid-sem last night…. and among the various sag curves, crest curves, overpass alignments and intersection designs; was a question for extra credit. The way it works is if you score a 100 and manage to get the extra credit Q right…you’ll score more than 100. It’s nothing new if someone tells you they scored 105/100.

So as I sweat it out trying to figure if I’m in the right examination hall…coz it’s a 2 hr exam and after 1 hr 48 minutes I’m still trying to figure out what in god’s name is this gibberish printed on the question paper. It was a nightmare ranked 2 on my top 20 worse case scenarios catalog. Appearing for an exam which is not the same as the one you’ve been studying for, for the past 3 days ranks second only to a nightmare scenario where I arrive in school with no pants on.

Everyone around me looked familiar so I guess I was in the right room…so the obvious question… what in the world have I been studying…. or more importantly…. what in the world have I been smoking??????? I’m guessing the marijuana intake isn’t helping much. (Relax mom…. it’s a joke)

So seriously, I’m sitting there just looking around…reminded me of couples sitting in Saras Baug looking at others walk by…. coz I have nothing to do.

I wrote my name…and then I checked it for spelling mistakes…. for 2 freckin hours!!!

These bloody questions made no sense…maybe I was just supposed to assume some value and go ahead…. the Prof was quick to point out otherwise. So here I was sitting and doing nothing…the story of my life.

Coming back to my extra credit question…. among the various sag curves, crest curves, overpass alignments and intersection design questions, was the extra credit question “ Name a very popular band from the early 70s”

I was like…WTF????

Hehehe….like I said earlier… the medium of education is “fun”.

So could I nail the extra credit question you ask? Hmmmm….ideally speaking I should’ve….but since I’m a dumb ass good for nothing Mithun Chakraborty sidekick I managed to screw that up too…ahem….

Q 17: Name a very popular band from the early 70s

Ans: Anoop Jalota and the Bhajan Posse.

Yup…. The future looks bleak.