Friday, October 29, 2004

To each his own

I used to be pretty short tempered during my school and college days. Keeping that in mind, I guess I’ve come a long way since then :)

Usually things don’t affect me and I let them pass…but once in while someone does something really mean...and that infuriates the crap outta me.

I’ve learnt from my past experiences that the first thing that comes to mind isn’t the smartest thing to say when you’re mad at someone. The best way to deal with the impulsive rage is to keep quiet. For the first half hour or so it makes u even more angry….but as time passes by u tend to appreciate the integrity of you’re resolve.

In the past I’ve lost out on friends thanks to the inability to control my urge to speak my mind in that moment of rage.

Despicable things get said…and yes I truly believe they deserved it…but nonetheless, if only I could’ve just thought before I actual spoke the words, I’d have a lot few regrets from life today :)

So recently when things took a drastic turn, I’m glad I kept my opinion to myself.
Doesn’t mean that I’m ok with the way things were done…It just means I’m glad I maintained my integrity. I guess i've matured over the past few years...hehehe...what a scary thought.

Call it a shortcoming of sorts if u may….I have it in me to forgive people pretty easily…but I can’t forget what they put me through.

As Amol often puts it…”To each his own” :)


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